Uncle Jesse tends to Boss Hogg's
Still in "The Dukes of Hazzard"
Check all tubing connections to ensure that they are clear by blowing
through them. Fill the kettle halfway with your fermented mixture (mash). Insert
the stopper. Place the kettle on the heat source and connect it to the condenser
(which is in a safe place away from direct heat). Fill the condenser jug two
thirds with ice water. Put a widemouth jar under the tube that sticks out from
the bottom of the jug (output tube).
Turn the heat on low and watch the
thermometer. Try to keep the temperature between 173 and 200 degrees farenheit.
The object of distilling is to boil off the alcohol and leave the water in the
kettle. Alcohol boils at 173 and water boils at 212 degrees.
leave a still unattended! It is highly recommended that this process be done
on a concrete or stone surface away from any flammable
Remember that alcohol vapors are flammable and should
never come in contact with open flame. Keep a fire extinguisher
Your kettle should be boiling and the connecting tube should be
very hot! Throw the first ounce or so of liquid that comes from the output tube
away. This is called the "foreshots" and it is impure (tastes
Make sure to keep a good supply of ice in the jug (condenser).
If the water gets too hot, your jug might weaken or melt.
You should
taste the liquid that is coming out of the tube periodically to see if it tastes
like strong alcohol. Near the end of the process, it will taste like water. When
it turns weak, turn off the heat and using gloves, uncork the kettle, dump out
the spent mash, and fill it with new mash. Dump out the water in the condenser
and replace it with cold water and ice. Repeat this until you have used all of
the mash.
To make it purer and stronger, you should run all of the
finished booze through the still again (using the same procedure as
Purify the product by filling a coffee filter with aquarium
charcoal (rinse the charcoal before using - it is dusty) and placing it in a
funnel. Suspend the funnel over a tall jar. Pour the booze through it. That is
all there is to it!
Here are some interesting links: