The Gun Sling M1907 (leather) (fig. 1) is placed on your rifle as
shown in figure 2.
Figure 1: Nomenclature and Arrangement of M1907 Sling
Figure 2: The M1907 Sling on the Rifle
Thread the feed end of the long strap through the upper keeper as shown in
figure 3; then place the upper hook in the third of fourth pair of holes near
the feed end of the long strap. Engage the lower hook in the pair of holes
below the upper hook. The sling is now attached to the rifle.
Figure 3: Attaching the M1907 Sling to the Rifle
To tighten the sling (fig. 4), grasp the inside strap of the sling near
the trigger housing with the left hand. With the right hand, grasp the sling
between the hooks. Now pull toward the butt with the left hand and push toward
the muzzle with the right hand until the sling is tight. Slide the lower
keeper toward the muzzle until the feed end of the long strap has been passed.
Figure 4: Tightening the M1907 Sling
To loosen the sling for carrying purposes, slide the lower keeper down
from the feed end of the long strap and grasp the inside strap with the left
hand. Now force the inside strap toward the muzzle and at the same time pull
the outside strap toward the butt of the rifle.
To hold the sling in a tight position, force the upper keeper against the
stock ferrule swivel and slide the lower keeper up until it has passed the
feed end of the long strap.