Defend Your Castle
Play Game

Defend Your Castle is a great game where you defend your castle from hordes of oncoming enemies.

Mouse Button Click on an enemy, hold button, throw them up in the air, then release button.
1 or A key Use wizard spell 1 (when available)
2 or S key Use wizard spell 2 (when available)
3 or D key Use wizard spell 3 (when available)

Read the instructions from the help menu within the game.

Defend your castle from the oncoming enemies. Click on an enemy and while holding down the mouse button, throw them up in the air hard enough that when they drop they die.

Tips & Tricks

Save your money! Do not waste your money repairng or fortifying your castle till much later in the game. Buy the temple, archery range, demolition lab, workshop, and mana pool in that order. Once all those items are purchased then spend money fortifying your castle. You will need the mana pool to fight the giants by level 15.

Once you have a temple, drop an enemy into your castle to convert them to your side. Once an enemy is converted, they become available at the top. Click a flag on top the castle to put them to work once you have an archery range, workshop, etc. You may put up to 10 to work in each area but beware unit upkeep.

Archery range workers automatically kill enemies for you. Workshop workers automatically repair your castle. Mana pool workers perform spells.

Unit upkeep is charged for each friendly unit remaining at the end of each round. The charge is 200 for 1 Wizard, 200 for 1 Archer, and 50 for 1 Builder. If you do not keep enough money to pay for the upkeep before you hit OK to go onto the next round, you will lose your units.

To use the demolition men, click on a man at the top of the screen then he will run out, click on him again to explode him and destroy surrounding enemies.